Sunday, September 4, 2011

Uh, hi again...

Well that was embarrassing.  I can't believe I last blogged in January.  I sure hope no one was holding their breath waiting for my next thoughts.  It's my hope that I'll start blogging again now that it's...drumroll please...


One of the challenges of having a child with autism is that he thrives on routine.  Summer, while delightfully hot and full of adventures and lazy days, is also unstructured and hell for my kid.  I LOVE back to school, I love the fresh start, the new pencils, the return to routine.  I just love it all.  The kids had an extra, unexpected week of summer vacation due to school construction issues.  This meant that instead of going back last Wednesday they won't go back until this coming Tuesday.  44 hours from now, give or take, not that I'm counting.  Oh hell, of course I'm counting.  I began counting last June when school let out.

My hope for this Fall is to continue with my organizing and purging but also I'm trying to become an extreme couponer.  I have only been trying it for about a week or so but I'm obsessed.  I don't want to be one of the really extreme people who spend hours on their plans and cutting coupons and buy 57 cans of spam, because really, no one likes spam even if it is free or only four cents.

So far I have cut a lot of coupons, tried to organize them and I have learned a few things. 

1. There is a time investment required, especially when you begin because you won't know what the heck you are doing.
2. It will take time to figure out an organization system that will work for you.
3. You will be thrilled when you get something free or save a bunch of money on it.
4.  You need to watch out that you don't become a hoarder instead of an extreme couponer.

I plan to blog about my couponing and my finds as well as my flylady efforts and other adventures I have.
I still think I need a reality show, people would really have enjoyed seeing the tomato guts all over Max's fortress of solitude and watching us not kill him.

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