Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fluttering along...

According to Flylady I'm never behind so it's impossible to fail.  Ummm, ok.  My first week "flying" has been a mix of success and um not failure (because that would make Flylady sad) but maybe lesser success.  Friday started well (first day of the month and all), I shined my sink, cleaned out a few trouble spots and basically did as I was supposed to.  The weekend was busy, gone all day Saturday, out with Max's new worker for her shift on Sunday but I fluttered along, still mostly shining my sink (one night there were dishes left to soak but I did them the next a.m.).  Each day we get a mission (should we choose to accept it) to do in our zone for the week.  This week we are in the kitchen.  The first mission was to clean your garbage can, I didn't do it on Monday (that was the day I was overrun by my carrot harvest) but I did do it Tuesday.  The Tuesday mission was wiping down your counters, moving everything and really getting behind stuff.  I had just done this because of my carrot mess so I didn't do it again.  Today was Wednesday and I worked so I honestly haven't even looked at the mission.

If flylady did call people failures or losers or other nasty names she would have called me one today.  It started last night when I (foolishly) decided not to lay out my clothes and just do it in the a.m.  That was mistake #1.  We were running late this a.m. and it took me forever to decide what to wear which made us even more rushed.  I will NEVER do that again.  Flylady: 1   Me: 0

Then there was the matter of dinner.  Flylady encourages us to plan our menu and use our crock-pots and basically have a plan so that the family can eat well and stress-free and on time each day.  This is extra important on days I work.   Like today.   When I didn't make a plan.   So dinner was a hodgepodge affair wherein Larry and Julianna ate leftover ravioli and scrambled eggs (that he made), Max had pizza with his worker and I had grilled cheese (with awesome Indian tomato compote that I made...soooooo delicious!!).  I'd like to say I'll NEVER do that again but I know me and I'll say I'll TRY to NEVER do that again.
Flylady: 2    Me: 0 

Then there is the matter of laundry.  Remember Mt. Washmore?  Well it erupted all over my laundry room and bedroom.  Flylady teaches us to do a load a day start to finish, wash, dry, fold, put away.   I have been washing and drying but the folding and the putting away, well there was a problem with that this week and I blame Larry.  See he's working nights this week which means he is in our room, in our bed, sleeping all day which means I can't get in there to put anything away.  So yeah, that's totally his fault.  BUT tonight while watching Glee (poor Kurt!!), I finished folding all the clean laundry and sorted it and put it away (all but Julianna's clothes which are in a basket in her room, sorry, I ran out of steam).  So I have a clean slate (sort of) with the laundry.  Sadly...Flylady: 3  Me: 0

But since Flylady is such an awesome cheerleader she tells me not to get discouraged and to start where I am so I will start again tomorrow.  The lunches are made, the homework is done and signed, the sink is shining.  I almost left dishes in there but forced myself to wash them and shine it because I knew I had to report on my progress, and I knew it wouldn't take long, and I knew it would make me happy in the a.m. to see a shiny sink.  I have a meal in the freezer that I can take out for dinner tomorrow night so we can come home to a nice meal after Julianna's Field Hockey game.  And I'm off to pick out my clothes for the a.m.

So after nearly a week it's Flylady: 3 Me: 0  Lots of room for improvement but I'm on my way to ship shape life!

Happy flying!  Leave me a comment if you are fluttering with me!!!

PS:  Also this week, I bought a new book called:  The Make Today Matter Makeover: The 26 Best Ways to Recapture Daily Magic, Kick-start High-Energy Living, and Get the Most out of Life by Brook Noel

 I'll probably blog about that later.  Looks really cool, lots of checklist and note taking which I LOVE!!

1 comment:

  1. I like Brook Noel a lot. I have fluttered pretty good this week in spite of being felled by illness.
